The FOOD SAFETY FUSION program promotes awareness and acceptance of food safety education to every culture, in every language, for every person of every age, by combining the effort, intellect, and energy of teachers, professionals, administrators and individuals around the world.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Training On-Tap : Svetlana Gertsenshteyn, New York City

Training On-Tap : Svetlana Gertsenshteyn, New York City

The Fusion Minute feature was only a few hours old when I met Svetlana Gertsenshteyn through an email. With a name like Svetlana, where do you guess I thought she was from? The assumption was so set in my mind, that even after she told me her location, for just a second I still thought, “Wow, I didn’t know Russia had a New York City.” She still teases me about it, occasionally signing her emails, “Svetlana-not-from-Russia.”

Svetlana is exactly the kind of person I was hoping to find with The Food Safety Fusion program. She’s motivated to teach, innovative in her methods, and unceasing in her search for better ways to spread education about nutrition and food safety.

One extremely useful innovation is a Food Safety “Assessment Tool,” which she created to help trainees prepare for the ServSafe® exam. She is generously making it available to the entire world for free.
The “Assessment Tool” is interactive, which trainees find captivating.  It provides immediate feedback, resulting not only in assessing trainees’ knowledge, but also learning of Food Safety concepts. 

The “Assessment Tool” starts out easy enough, but becomes progressively more difficult. Try it yourself, and add it to your teaching arsenal. The positive results will be astonishing.

Svetlana has developed some other remarkable educational websites, which provide visual information about simple and tasty nutrition and food safety:

Svetlana’s credentials are : PhD in education, MPH, and RD. Her educational and work experiences are from such illustrious institutions as New York University, Mayo Clinic, Sodexho Marriot, and the City of New York Department of Health.

You don’t have to be as accomplished as Svetlana to be a good teacher, but two things are important: the ability to recognize a good teaching tool, and the motivation to use it. Don’t miss this opportunity to follow in the footsteps of a truly brilliant educator.

Where I have to struggle for every iota of good sense, she comes by it naturally. So, now you’ll understand why I don’t think of her as Svetlana-not-from-Russia.

Instead, she is Svetlana Gertsenshteyn, Naturally Brilliant in New York City.
Svetlana’s Contact Information:
Telephone (347) 206-4862

Thank you,

Andy Bozeman, AHI 9200, CFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep Your Pants On

by Andy Bozeman

This is about food safety, not clothing. I’m not writing about fashion fads, or cultural clothing preferences. I am writing about one of the points when food safety and fashion collide.

I recently visited a fast food establishment for lunch. When I walked in the door a male teenager welcomed me, as he promptly walked from behind the prep area to the service counter. I was impressed from the start. He offered a cheerful greeting. He was neatly dressed in a polo shirt bearing the company’s logo. A baseball-style cap covered his head as well as most of his close-cropped hair. The cap was on straight with the bill pointing forward, not slanted to the side or back. Best of all he was wearing gloves. He quickly took my order, accepted my payment, and even counted my change back (unheard of these days). I should add that he did all of that with the gloves on, not an uncommon practice.

But then…

He turned to go to the prep area, took two steps, stopped, and pulled up his pants. That’s when I noticed he was wearing pants that were so loose and so low they couldn’t stay up on their own. So, with his gloved hands he tugged the pants up nearer his waist.

But then…

He stepped to the prep table, and reached for a nearby box of disposable gloves, as he side-stepped toward a hand-washing sink. “That’s good,” I thought. But, he didn’t wash his hands and change gloves. All he did was set the glove box aside so it wouldn’t be in his way. As he stepped back to the prep table he pulled up his pants, again.

Then, the manager came out of her office. I waved her toward me and whispered, “Watch what he does.” She stood with me and watched.

The teenager finished prepping my order, and pulled up his pants.
He wrapped my food in wax paper, and pulled up his pants.
He needed a box which was across the aisle. Stepping toward the boxes, he pulled up his pants.
As he returned to the prep table his pants slipped down again. He couldn’t handle the process to fold the box and pull his pants up too, so he leaned against the table trapping the waist band with his hip. He placed the wrapped food in the box, and the box in a bag. As he stepped toward the service counter with a perfect I’m-happy-to-serve-you smile, what did he do?

I gave the manager a perfect did-you-see-that look.
She responded with a look that perfectly asked, “What?”

Any professionals and health administrators and inspectors reading this already know what I’m about to say. But there are thousands of school students who read Fusion Minute for homework then discuss it in class.

Gloves are worn to protect the food from the food handler, not the other way around.

Here’s what he did wrong.
  • He handled money
  • He failed to wash his hands and change gloves
  • He prepared a customer’s order with dirty hands and gloves, which risked contamination of the food with pathogens that could make the customer sick
  • He regularly tugged at his pants, which would have contaminated even new gloves. But, because he started the process with dirty gloves, every time he touched his pants the probability of contamination just got worse. The right thing? Every time he touched his pants, he should’ve stopped to wash his hands and change gloves. And, oh yeah…..he could wear pants that actually fit, and a belt to prevent the problem.
Here’s what the manager did wrong:
  • Complete failure to notice anything at all.
Here’s what’s needed for both of them:
  • Training, Training, Training, Training, Training!!!!!
So, that’s what I did. I trained both of them, right that minute. I refused the order and explained why. We discussed the correct order of events for hand washing and glove changing, but without pants tugging. The manager cinched the food handler's pants tighter with a safety pin, and then we started all over again with a new order.

I bet you’re wondering which franchise it was. It might’ve been one of those places that promotes itself by association with rank and royalty, like a king or queen or high level of military achievement. But it could just as easily be a place whose mascot is a rosy-cheeked child or a clown or a cowboy.

The point is that pantaloons that are too panta-loose, need to be addressed by everybody, everywhere.

Thank you.

Andy BozemanCFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Next FUSION MINUTE release : April 25th

The next topic for FUSION MINUTE will be
A Tiny Hat on Big Hair is Useless

Future Articles:
 What is a RARE Hamburger? The Surprising Answer.
Training On Tap Chef Jodi Ferber
It Don’t Mean a Thing, If You Don’t Wash ‘neath That Ring?
Training On Tap Jeff Feldman
Raise Your Pass Rate
You Ate Where?
Restaurant OxyMORONS
Life in the Dump(ster)
Starting the Hand Washing Timer
HepaTITANIC Botulistic Septimacious Gastro-Amnesic Illness. Huh?
The Procrastinating Student
Food Safety Education Around the World
Regulatory Roundup
Who's Fused
Notes from 
Instructors, Proctors, and Administrators 
Around the World
Fashion & Food Safety Don't Mix
Blame it On The TV Cook
FASTING and Food Service? Are you Kidding?
What Happens in the Kitchen Stays in the Kitchen
Waiter, guess what's in my soup.
Please, come with me...........I have raspberries. 
......and much more.

Andy BozemanCFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


In a few weeks I'll introduce a regular feature to Fusion Minute, REGULATORY ROUNDUP. The articles will focus on various jurisdictions and food safety regulations around the world. Initially the articles will focus on American regulatory agencies and administrators.

The goal is to help form a national consciousness for food safety education and awareness. 

The primary focus will be on these questions:

  1. What is the greatest challenge in your jurisdiction, concerning the enforcement of food safety education requirements? Is it the public’s ignorance of regulations? Resistance to learning? Refusal to change? Procrastination by those who must meet the regulations?
  2. How do you communicate with the various health department offices throughout your jurisdiction? Phone? Email? Other?
  3. How do you communicate with those who must follow the regulations?
  4. Do you have any methods to communicate with the general public?
  5. Are you directly involved in the development of Food Service regulations, such as standard practices concerning bare-hand contact, temperature control, facility design, other?
  6. Are you directly involved in creating legislation and statutes for food safety?
  7. Do inspectors in your jurisdiction have the authority to instantly close an operation for excessive food safety violations?
  8. Can you name one thing which would be the most help to you in your task of enforcing food safety regulations? This can be a policy, a method of communication, broader powers of enforcement, or anything else.
  9. Would a partnership between your department, public schools, and food safety training organizations be a benefit in your quest to promote food safety education to everyone?

If you're a regulatory administrator, you're input is requested.

If you know a regulatory administrator with especially good ideas and high standards, please let me know.

Andy Bozeman, AHI 9200, CFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Revenge of the Food Handler

by Andy Bozeman

This experience was related by one of my "live" students, a manager of a small seafood cafe'.
I wouldn't want it to get around, for obvious reasons, so help me keep it a secret.

A food handler was routinely late for work, then performed lazily or shirked his duties entirely, until the manager finally fired him. The manager's mistake was announcing the termination mid-shift, and giving the employee until the end of the day to leave. You should know that the employee didn't take it well. To compound the problem the manager left for a couple of hours, giving the fired worker time to formulate a diabolical revenge tactic.

When the workday had ended, the manager thoughtfully inspected the facility for signs of tampering, but found nothing. From then on he went about his daily routine of maintaining cleanliness, chemical precautions, and temperature checks for food and equipment, which included a freezer with a door-side-dial thermometer reading 0°F. Nothing was amiss. He was a happy manager. That is, he was happy until the health inspector dropped by.

The inspector noted the reading on the freezer's temperature dial. But, he also stepped inside. As he entered the walk-in freezer he commented, "It sure feels warmer than zero." Inside he took more temperature readings, then, when he compared them to the outside dial, he made one more comment, "You've got a problem. Your dial says 'zero,' but it's actually 30 degrees warmer.

On close inspection the former employee's plot was discovered. The ex-worker had painted a face on the dial that read 0°F, but he had set the unit's controls to 31°F. No matter what the temperature was inside the freezer, the dial would always read ZERO.

Now, it was revealed that the manager was lazy, too. He had become complacent, relying completely on the door-side thermometer, never taking the time to notice, let alone verify, the actual temperature inside the freezer.

Well, the ex-food handler got away with it, but not the manager. As part of his punishment for being a lazy temp-taker, he was required to re-take my food safety training course. That's how I got his story.

To his credit, he immediately added no less than 32 thermometers inside the walk-in freezer. Everyday he makes sure they all agree with one another and with the door-side dial, which has been unpainted. Lastly, he practices stepping into the freezer with his eyes closed, so he can learn to feel the air just like the inspector.

He said he learned two things. To please an inspector, learn to think like one. And to keep from being tricked again, learn to think like a vengeful former assistant. "I have to keep my eyes and my mind open," he said. "But I have to admit, painting that dial was a pretty good trick."

Andy Bozeman, AHI 9200, CFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Gentle Leading of the Rebellious Foodhandler

Debbie Harris was the first proctor to sign on with my internet food safety program. Throughout central Alabama, she offers exam-only classes to students who take my on-demand ServSafe® training.

Debbie is the Deputy Director of Food and Catering for the City of Montgomery, Alabama. Using skills sharpened by years of experience in the Las Vegas resort and casino business, she led her department through a major metamorphosis. “We used to be all about beverage carts roaming the city golf courses, and hot dogs & nachos at the ball parks. Now, you can have lobster and champagne waiting for you at the 18th Hole, or any cuisine delivered to any party location.”

She led the charge to convert their business from just concentrating on concession stands to include fine dining for very large and varied venues. It’s not unusual for the City Catering Department to serve 10,000 meals in a week’s time, for a wide range of simultaneous events including barbecue for backyard summer parties, prime rib and whole sturgeon for political fund raisers, fine wine and hors d`oeuvres for cruises on the City’s river boat, and champagne and caviar for romantic midnight soirées. And don’t forget, while all of that’s going on, burgers, dogs, fries and nachos are still being served by the thousands at 35 locations for all manner of sports tournaments from football to golf to tennis to softball. But, that’s not all. Birthday parties for all ages are booked by the dozens; events for sororities, fraternities, and civic associations are constantly in the schedule; and weddings are presented in some of the most romantic settings imaginable.

You would think that Show Business must be Debbie’s primary concern, but that’s not even close. “With so many events, and so many people handling so much food,” she explained, “food safety is our first priority.” The department’s hiring policy reflects that. Anyone who wants to apply for a fulltime position must have already passed the ServSafe® exam, before they can even submit a job application. In addition, merit increases and awards are all based solely on how well any given staff member performs good food safety practices.

Anyone in the food service business knows that enforcing good practices among the staff is a constant, difficult process. People don’t like to learn new things or change old habits. “When I started this job,” she said, “they were so reluctant to change, I thought I was going to have to fire everybody and start over.” Some of them were so stubborn, they joined forces and threatened to quit rather than wear gloves. But, when “fire everybody” crossed her lips, they snapped-too pretty fast.

Now, her staff of seasoned, veteran managers is charged with constantly reminding one another to wash their hands and change gloves, wear hair covers, and check food temperatures. Food Safety is the routine theme throughout the operation.

But, part-time new-hires are still a problem. Even though they’re in the mix with a well trained staff, there’s still a lot of fussing when it comes to meeting routine expectations.

I was lucky enough to overhear a conversation between Debbie and a part time employee. The new hire had never even heard the term “food safety” and was completely resistant to following the rules.

Currently he was angry over the requirement to wear a hair cover. “I’ll look ridiculous in front of my friends,” he argued, “I won’t wear it!”  In a quiet tone she said, “It’s important. I wish I could make you understand.” He squared off against her and snidely quipped, “and what if you can’t make me understand?”

She answered quietly, “Then, I can make you gone.”

He put on the hair cover.

The title of this article is intentionally deceptive to make this point. Food Safety is a serious, life-or-death issue. When the concern is enforcement of strict rules for good practices, gentle is not part of the process.

I encourage all of my students to “become walking bull whips, when it comes to food safety. Lead with unwavering commitment. You don’t have to be mean, but you do have to be firm and consistent.”

But, in spite of all your efforts, if an employee refuses to fall in line, just say quietly in a voice that’s gentle, “you’re gone.”

Thank you.

Andy BozemanCFPM
phone 334-834-1714
internet FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tell Me About Toxins, PLEASE!!

Generally, people have at least a passing knowledge about bacteria and food. It’s widely understood that bacteria will grow in food that’s not cared for properly, and can make someone sick. But, there’s one word you can say that’s almost always greeted with blank stares, TOXINS.

Incident #1: A contestant on one of those who’s-the-best-cook TV shows thought she had made too many orders of spaghetti. I’ll call her Spaghetti Girl. Knowing the head chef accepted only the freshest dishes, she tossed the extra spaghetti into the trash. Later she realized that her order-count had been correct all along, and she was one order short because she had thrown it away. To keep the pace going she made a fateful decision. The discarded pasta was retrieved from the garbage, and then placed it into a pot of boiling water. Alas, there was a witness, the head chef. When he challenged her sanity, her explanation was, “the boiling water, at 212⁰, will kill any bacteria from the trash can.” She was dumbfounded when the head chef rejected her reasoning, and then ordered her to prepare fresh spaghetti.

Incident #2: A previous student owns a small meat-and-three café. I’ll call him Mn3. He thawed a roast, overnight on the counter, at room temperature. Later, because he had taken my on-demand ServSafe® class and passed the exam, Mn3 realized his mistake of leaving the roast in the temperature danger zone for too long. Mn3 reasoned that cooking the roast to the proper internal temperature would kill any bacteria, and make the roast safe to eat. However, when he served the roast, dozens of customers still got sick.

What MAJOR thing did they both miss? TOXINS!

The bacteria left toxins behind. It’s like bacteria going to the bathroom, and the stuff left behind is dangerous. Even in an oven at hundreds of degrees, or in a pot of boiling water, toxins can’t be cooked away. Neither cooking nor freezing bothers them at all. Picture them in the boiling water, paddling around wearing sunglasses and colorful microscopic floaties. They’re happy wherever they are. So, at every temperature, they remain dangerous and able to make people sick. In these incidents, festering bacteria left toxins behind on the roast and in the trash can where it could be transferred to the spaghetti.

Spaghetti Girl was bumped off the show, although the head chef never mentioned toxins. The audience was left with the impression that she was eliminated for getting an order wrong, not for serving food out of a toxin-laced garbage can.

Mn3 was reported, investigated and shut down. Before he was allowed to reopen, he had to repeat the entire ServSafe® training class. Before he started his on-demand class retake, he sent me an email. He wrote, “Tell me about toxins, please!!

What can we learn from this, besides a lesson about toxins? Nobody knew. Not Spaghetti Girl, not Mn3, not the Head Chef, or the TV producers; not one of them showed the slightest understanding about the danger of toxins and food. So, a valuable teaching moment for everyone was missed.

That’s how we got here. FUSION MINUTE™ is received by Mn3, and also by a producer of the TV show that featured Spaghetti Girl and her toxic noodles. So, this is me telling everybody, including Mn3, about toxins. Sadly, until Spaghetti Girl and the head chef start reading FUSION MINUTE™, they’re on their own.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


This is just for health department administrators and health inspectors.

During these times, as the presidential election dominates the news, we are constantly reminded that America is a divided nation. There are two sides. We are either Red or Blue. It’s “us” against “them.” Of course, this type of political division is healthy, because it takes more than one side to guarantee our own freedom. So, the longer we stay “us against them,” the longer our nation will remain free.

But there’s another instance when “us against them” is not so healthy - food safety regulations. Where regulatory policies are concerned, ”us” is the side that enforces the standards, and “them” is the side that must comply. The problem is that “us” says “you have to meet the standards,” but “them” says “I don’t want to, and you can’t make me.”

They’re usually right. States, counties, and parishes have enacted all manner of well thought out regulations and standards for prevention measures. Food Protection Manager Certification has been mandated almost everywhere. Food-handler training is required in many places. In addition, in some states, new food-business licenses and permits are withheld until the new food facility has met all training requirements.

So, where’s the “us against them” issue? It’s in the follow-through.

Too often, when I visit a food establishment whose managers I’ve trained, I’ll see the required ServSafe® Certificate on the wall, but no evidence that anyone from the facility ever went near a ServSafe® class; no gloves, no hair covers, cooks in the kitchen chewing gum and smoking, and not a single food thermometer in the place.

If I ask them why they’re not practicing what they were preached, the answer is always, “I’ve got the certificate, and that’s all that matters.”

That’s the problem, because they’re right. In most states the statute says that if a food establishment has a ServSafe® Certificate, the business is in compliance with the statute. Even if an inspector finds infractions, barely short of the grossest negligence, because of the certificate, the inspector’s hands are often tied.

In most places all a regulatory agency can do is mark off points on a health score, and threaten closure. But closure requires such a low score, that by the time that low score is reached, customers have already been in danger for months.

The Solution
Some states have begun to rethink the powers granted to inspectors. The concept is to give inspectors almost sheriff-like power to close a business instantly, and in some cases, seal it with chains and padlocks.

In my on-demand internet food safety training program, in the final chapter I tell students to “Actually do the things you’ve been taught.” Some will show follow-through, but not because I said so. They’ll do it because it’s right.

For others the instant when they’ll consider doing the right thing won’t happen until they see an inspector walk in carrying a chain and a lock.

That’s when their concept of “us against them” becomes “what can we do about this.”

Even then they’ll try to argue by saying “But, I have a Certificate.”

To which the inspector can reply, “I know, but I have a chain.”

Thank you,

Andy BozemanCFPM
phone 334-834-1714

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Internet Education, Distance Learning, Online Training....... whatever you call it, it's amazing, and it's a great idea! The phrase “I’m going to school,” no longer exclusively means to travel from one place to another, to sit at an assigned desk in a specific room, and listen to a teacher in that room only.

Now, going-to-school often means to reach for the nearest smart phone, tap a few keys on a virtual keyboard and, abracadabra, you’re in school, whether it’s a seat in a stadium, a bench on a bus, or a lounge chair on the beach. By the way, that’s where I am right now……the beach I mean……this technology isn’t wasted on me.

Food Safety Education has changed, thanks to the advent of the internet, and the devices that connect us to it. Here’s a good example, www.FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com. A video on the home page tells students how it works. In fact, the video is called HOW IT WORKS. Instructors and proctors can find additional information about the business of online learning here : www.FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com/proctorinvitation.asp . Or, on the home page, hover the mouse over MORE INFO, then select PROCTOR INVITATION.

Everyone has access to this training, not just online, but ON-DEMAND. The training can be viewed using any computer or hand-held device that is video-enabled, such as ANDROID smart phones and tablets, or the latest iPhones and iPads. This makes it possible for almost everyone to have access to food safety knowledge.

Students can take the training from anywhere, anytime without traveling long distances to spend all day in a physical classroom. It reduces student-procrastination, because it helps students who can’t dedicate entire days to training, thus leaving their operations at risk, due to their absence. Further, and this is important, it increases exam-sales for both Instructors and Proctors. Increased sales………..that’s a good idea!

Online, on-demand internet education is here, and it’s wonderful. It’s a good idea to take advantage of it in every possible way. The next time you use your super-smart, hand-held, instant-access, personal-connect-to-the-world device; think about how many other people are also connected to the information and knowledge that’s streaming around the planet. Who knows, maybe the next time we go to school, you and I will meet in the classroom, ……you know.......the one on the beach.


We call America the melting pot of the world. That’s never more obvious to me than when I teach food safety to a class that includes several non-English-speaking students, each representing a different national origin.

Once, in a single live class, students represented the nations of the USA, Mexico, Viet Nam, China, Korea, the Philippines, India, Portugal, and one who described himself as a French-only Cajun from Louisiana. It took three extra hours to complete that class, because I had to take time to find common English words that had counterparts in all of those different languages. It was worth the effort, because almost the entire group passed the exam. Whew!

But that’s the extreme case. Normally, my “foreign” students are from Mexico, and speak limited English, if any at all. And there’s the problem, because I only teach in English. So, to protect my precious pass rate, I had to devise a way to get the knowledge across the border, linguistically speaking.

Here’s how I do it. First, I have a large room where I teach live classes. Second, like almost everyone, I use a computer and a projector to present the ServSafe® presentations, both PowerPoint and the training videos. Third, and this is the good part, I set up a DVD player connected to a second projector which shows on a side screen. Then, there’s a small sound system with multiple headphone connections. The DVD player plays the Spanish version of the ServSafe® training videos. My Spanish-speaking students listen through the headphones. Finally, Spanish students are encouraged to bring an interpreter, pre-approved by ServSafe®, to translate, in a whisper, the lessons I speak in English.

The hardest part is starting two videos at exactly the same time, one in the computer and one in the DVD player. But, with just a little practice it becomes almost second nature to synchronize a clicked mouse with a pressed button on a remote control. Why is this important? Because, it’s less distracting when both screens show the same thing.

That’s it. I only teach in English, but Spanish students receive the training almost entirely in their native language.

The disturbance caused by many foreign whispers is minimal. The English students are understanding, patient, even encouraging. The Spanish students and interpreters are cautiously quiet and courteous during the lectures.

The best part is the results. My pass rate for non-English speaking students is above 75%. The national average is well below 50%, so that’s pretty good.

I should add that, just once so far, Spanish students outnumbered English students by 12 to 4. I simply played the Spanish training videos on the main screen for the Spanish students, and swapped the DVD disk to the English version. The four Americans used the headphones and watched the training videos in their native tongue on the side screen. We didn’t miss a beat, and the pass rate for that class was still 92%.

It just goes to show : In any language, give people a chance and they’ll make you proud every time.

Thank you.

Andy Bozeman, CFPM
phone 334-834-1714
internet FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com

Friday, January 27, 2012


Hello Everyone
Even though this program is in its infancy, the nationwide response has been amazing. I've received so many good comments from every corner of America.

An unexpected bonus is the large number of people who have signed up as proctors for my web-based, on-demand training program at www.FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com

To all of you - THANK YOU!!



Thursday, January 26, 2012

12,000,000 to teach – NOW!

Like many of you, I’m a ServSafe® instructor and proctor.

About 3000 of us are scattered across America. That sounds like a lot, until we consider that there are 12 million managers that are supposed to be trained and certified by the end of 2012.

Three thousand teachers with small classes can’t train twelve million managers fast enough to keep the food industry in business. If we don’t get the job done, 2012 just might finish as the end of the world for a lot of restaurants, cafés, and diners.

Teaching that many people, quickly, is a serious challenge, and we’re losing.

I have some ideas to fix the problem. First, I founded the FOOD SAFETY FUSION PROGRAM™ dedicated to developing better ways to provide food safety knowledge. The Mission Statement is in the side bar.

The program is simply about spreading good ideas. You can’t join, because there’s no membership. You can’t buy anything, because the program has nothing for sale. The program’s ideas will always be free. In fact, the ideas will be posted in an online journal, and available to everybody.

That program has an idea-feature called the FUSION MINUTE™. It only takes about a minute to read each one. During the coming months I’ll be emailing good ideas to you. They will come from AndyBozeman@FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com. Please accept the ideas by adding that email address to your contact list.

So, very soon, look for the email subject-line Andy Bozeman FUSION MINUTE, and let’s share some ideas. We can make a difference.

Together we can be The Perfect Prevention Measure™.

Thank you.
Andy Bozeman, CFPM
phone 334-834-1714,
internet FoodSafetyTrainingCenter.com

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Safety Fusion Program announcment

I’m starting a personal campaign, Food Safety Fusion™, to increase awareness of the need for food safety training, around the world.

Combined Effort - Remarkable Results

The FOOD SAFETY FUSION program promotes awareness and acceptance of food safety education to every culture, in every language, for every person of every age, by combining the effort, intellect, and energy of teachers, professionals, administrators and individuals around the world. 

Fusion Minute - #1
·        Too many people get sick from food-borne illnesses.
·        Too few people know how to prevent food-borne illnesses.
·        We can change this.
Successful education is simply talking to people about the things they need to know, without beating them down for not knowing it.
I’ve already started talking to people all over America, and around the world, about the critical importance of food safety training for everyone.
My list includes :
·       Food safety teachers and proctors, maybe even you
·       Restaurant associations all over the country
·       State Health Departments and Regulatory officials
·       Health Inspectors
·       County extension office Administrators
·       Public School Departments of Education
·       Universities
·       Culinary Schools
·       Students and Babysitters
·       Elder-Care Givers and Health Care workers
·       Food Suppliers
·       Legislators, Congressmen and congress-women
·       Restaurant owners, managers, and food handlers
·       Large food corporations, franchises, and chains
·       Small Mom & Mop diners
·       Church and school dieticians
·       News organizations – print, TV, radio, and internet
·       Entertainment Personalities
My goal is to find the best ways to teach everything about food safety to everybody.
I’ll let you know what I discover.
Together we can be
Thank You
Andy Bozeman, CFPM
 phone: 334-834-1714, email andybozeman@foodsafetytrainingcenter.com

The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) owns and manages the ServSafe® brand.

Trademarks and copyrights for :
The Perfect Prevention Measure™, Food Safety Training Center™, Food Safety Fusion™ and Fusion Minute™© title and text are owned by Andy Bozeman. ™®©2012.